Category Archives,The journey into the marvelous universe of cannabis cannot fail to foresee long and in-depth explorations of the constellation of breeders and the most important seed banks in Europe and in the world,Whoever sow is in the middle of the harvest and for us of onair it is very important to know the companies of seeds personally that we host in our magazine and their real frequencies ...,carrier of an interior conflict that is the emblem of this Italian Parliament,No sense of victory,It's not like winning Europeans at Wembley against England,If anything, a slight emotion,that of those who have always known that time you can't stop,and that history always arrives where the restricted minds of prohibitionists: located onair

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IMG_3594Eye gaze that thrown on the world, because that, dice OnAir, is the first engine of reality and soon the effects of what you have in your eyes might come to look upon-Vi >* 😉
Attention to INNER SPACE therefore and lucidity in DISTRIBUTE energies and commitment. .........>*
AND WE, OnAir continua, we are in place, we are very careful about how what's inside comes out .....
...... .because Often the essentials of a good dish is the “How” served as the ...... out of the kitchen ... .. ... .and that's why, Wishing you that wonderful visions of the night ...... we repeat :SIAMO MOLTO CONTENTI DEL NOSTRO SUPER >* DISTRIBUTOR of OnAiiiir >*

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